August Griffen Fitness newsletter

Here’s an example of the subscriber-only fitness newsletter that we send out at the beginning of each month. As you can see it features snippets from the blog, as well as studio updates. If you’d like the latest fitness news in your Inbox, scroll to the bottom of the page and pop your details in the newsletter sign-up form…

Hello healthy people,

It’s been a busy month at Griffen Fitness HQ as I’ve added a new qualification, Covid-19 Rehabilitation, to the collection. As we ease out of lockdown, we want to be prepared for what may be a growing population. It was fascinating, in that it's the first fitness course I've done that even refers to the importance of breathing! Anyone who has trained with me knows how obsessed I am with the breath... It's important for life.

Having already trained an individual with Long Covid, it seems to have similar fatiguing effects as ME. So using a tailored incremental approach to fitness is the appropriate way to help getting Covid recoverers moving, which is really the approach I take with all clients returning to exercise. I always use a Heart Rate Monitor with new clients to ensure the correct effort level. Sometimes less really is more! Drop me a line for more information.

Easy Seasonal Recipe: Broad Bean Dip
A delicious summer-fresh dip, broad beans are packed with protein and fibre and lots of goodness for you to enjoy. Simple, quick and delicious, definitely best eaten fresh.

1 cup podded fresh or frozen broad beans
1 Tbsp natural yoghurt
Juice of ¼ lemon
Salt & pepper to taste

-    Lightly steam the broad beans and allow to cool.
-    Mash with the rest of the ingredients. I tried zizzing it in a Nutribullet, but it was a bit like a green smoothie, so I prefer to mash by hand.
-    Serve with fresh bread.

From the Blog: Tips for Exercising in Hot Weather
It’s been somewhat muggy in auld reekie of late. Here’s my latest blog post of top tips for exercising in hot weather.

Recommended Reading: When the Body Says No

Can stress contribute to illness? Renowned Physician and best-selling author Gabor Mate explores the role of the mind-body link in conditions and diseases such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, IBS, and multiple sclerosis in his fascinating book “When The Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress.” It isn’t an easy read, but the unexpected insights really blew my socks off. If you’re interested in understanding illness better, this is a must read.

Have a happy and healthy August,
Tracy & Coco :)


Easy Seasonal Recipe: Broad Bean Dip


Tips for Exercising in Hot Weather